Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions. If you still need to know more details do not hesitate to contact EOC by email under [email protected]


Questions related to visa, travel, and accommodation


1. Do I need a visa for Indonesia?

2. How to apply for a study visa for Indonesia ?

3. Is it possible to stay for less than 6 months ?

4. Is it possible to stay longer than 6 months ?

5. Do I need a return ticket ?

6. When to arrive in Bali ?

7. Where do we stay in Bali ?

8. What is our mailing address in Bali ?

9. Can we rent a motorbike and how much does it cost?



Qestions related to "Academics"


1. How many hours and credits are provided for a seminar ?

2. How many credits (ECTS) will be accepted by my home university ?

3. Do I have to participate regularly in the seminars ?

4. What to do during the assignment period of nearly two months ?

5. Do I need to bring my laptop ?

6. Is there internet ?

7. What is the course language ?

8. Is there a language course to learn Bahasa Indonesia ?

9. Is it possible to write BSc or MSc thesis ?

10. Are the courses for Bachelor or Master ?


Good to know


1. Is there a dress code at the campus ?

2. Do I need a driver license in Indonesia ?

3. Can I use my mobile phone in Indonesia ?

4. Do I need health insurance or other insurance?

5. Is immunization required for Bali ?